Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rome wasn't built in a day...

I have not failed. I have just found one of 10,000 ways that won't work.
-Thomas Edison

We all want the same thing - to be able to have what we want, when we want it, and not have to worry about overdrawing the bank account or missing a bill or fighting because you want something your spouse deems unnecessary. So, why is it that so many people who strive for this kind of financial freedom end up failing and ending up right back where they started? 

1. Lack of belief in the product or service.
The biggest reason in my opinion is that they simply do not believe in what they are selling and doing. Without true belief in what you do...without passionate conviction that the prospect wins in a sale-it becomes very difficult to be persistent. Today's buyer will look right through the false enthusiasm and see a self-centered motive every time. Do not work for yourself, work for your customer. Make it your #1 priority to help every single prospect in any way you can.

2. Other people have convinced you of your "station".
This one hits home for me because when I decided to drop my full time job that had me depending on depression medication just to make it through the day, EVERYONE told me I was stupid. "That's really going to pay the bills." "You'll never make it." "If working from home were real, everyone would be doing it."
What in the world do they know? They are not you. They don't even know what company you are representing. They don't take a single moment to ask about this opportunity you've taken. Truthfully, I believe they are jealous because you had the guts to take the leap when they didn't. Keep following your dreams and prove everyone wrong. They'll see.

3. I'm just not making money as quickly as I'd hoped.
If you are so detached from reality that you honestly believe you can "get rich quick" you have no reason to attempt owning a business or being your own boss anyway. News flash-you sow what you reap. Rome wasn't built in a day. You certainly can reach the top and be extremely successful...with hard work, lack of sleep, coffee, dedication, investment, and persistence. The road to success is NOT a straight path. You will fail, you will stumble, you will lose confidence. But never, ever quit.


4. Aimless wandering.
There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose or definite goal to aim for. Without a destination, you will be doomed for failure because every single twist and bend and bump and bruise will knock you down and you will walk away. You will go running back to the comfort zone of dead-end jobs, working your tail off for the boss you can't stand.

5. Fear of....everything.
These are the people that say "That sounds perfect...but I don't have the money right now." "...but I need guaranteed income." "...but it's just not the right time." "....but I'm not a good salesperson." You know what I think when I hear these EXCUSES, yes that's exactly what they are, I say NEXT. Why would you want someone like this on your team? I myself used to be this person. I was a pro at dishing out my "well planned lies". Once you overcome your excuses, there's no end to the possibilities in life.

6. Negative Nancy Syndrome
I promise you, if you give off nothing but negative vibes to everyone who sees you, sees your posts, has you on facebook, whatever - they WILL NOT believe that you have something good to offer as far as products you're selling or job opportunities you have. If you are so down all the time, then how could you be offering anything good for anyone else?

7. Indecision
The success stories we always read about originated from a single decision-a decision to take control. Those who succeed, reach decisions promptly and change the slowly. Those who fail, reach decisions slowly (or never) and change them frequently and quickly.

*Facing failure should never stop you in your tracks but make you more determined to overcome.*

Another good question would do the people in the success stories do it? Are they really successful? Is that possible? How do I get there?

1. Develop a desire to break away from the crowd.

You need to have the courage to make use of your idea. A dream, and an unfathomable desire to achieve that dream, are the two basic aspects needed to succeed in business.

2. Find your niche.
This should be something you are knowledgeable about (or are willing to learn in detail) and have an interest in. Something you believe in and use personally.

3. Persevere through setbacks.
If you let roadblocks deter you, you will never make it-in you business or life.

4. Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them.
Treat every crisis as an opportunity to learn.

5. Maintain self-discipline.
When you own a business, you get freedom. Quite often this freedom paves way to complacency. Your business will only survive if you buckle down and work at it. You have no one to answer to but yourself...and maybe a spouse ;)

6. Commit to your business idea and to all those you include in your plans.
These can be employees (downline), family, friends, prospects. If you continuously advertise for your business and prove that it works with your own testimony and reviews from consumers, then the faith others have in you and your business will not falter.

7. Be patient.
No tree gives fruit overnight. For the fruit to appear, the tree has to undergo several phases. Much like the success in any business journey. You need to be patient to reap the fruits of your toil. You need to keep your effort through the lean phase. You need to be steady and focused. 

8. Be flexible.
A brilliant idea alone will not ensure success in business. You need to learn to adapt your idea to the present day needs. Your idea should reach maximum customers with ease. In the initial years, customers will not come to you. You need to take your product or service to the customer.

9. Be prepared for any question the customer may throw at you.
ex: "What do you have that others don't? Why is your product so special?" If you are prepared to answer this question you are on the right track.

10. Realize that all business involves a certain amount of risk.
So, you should be prepared to face the risk. You must have some financial backing to look to when things go wrong. Never invest your entire fortune in a new business.

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